Wexford Camera Club
in D’Lush Cafe, Wexford arts Centre
Wexford Camera Club supports and promotes all branches of photography and provides many opportunities for members to develop their work. More information can be found on our website www.wexfordcameraclub.com or email chairman@wexfordcameraclub.com.

Town and Country
A photographic exhibition by
John Dunbar and Angela Myler
opens from 17 January 2018
at D’lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
John Dunbar – I am not into any particular genre of photography. I just concentrate on what appeals to me. However, I seem to end up with landscapes and streetscapes – basically subjects that do not move too much and I enjoy taking these. Although I do not use every possible opportunity with my camera, as a hobby, I find photography relaxing and (sometimes) rewarding.
Angela Meyler – Walking time, my camera always with me, is photography time for me. I am forever on the lookout for the makings of that image with a difference. It could be the unusual pose of a bird on the Saltees, or the thistle head I pick from a hedge because of the pattern of the spreading seed heads. I also enjoy getting in close to subjects and revealing abstract shapes waiting to be discovered.

A photographic exhibition by
John Keogh
D’Lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
opened from 20 November 2017
Since his retirement John has had time to enjoy travel in Ireland and abroad and develop his interest in photography.
His main subjects are nature and landscape. This exhibition is a selection of his work, all taken in Ireland.

A photographic exhibition by
Martin Doyle
D’Lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
opened from 16 August 2017
Martin Doyle – Nature has been my chosen subject for many years. It is a fascinating and inspiring subject in all its varied forms. Time spent observing, whether it is a landscape or studying the smallest flower, is very rewarding as so much detail will be revealed.
This collection is a series of studies, taken on medium or large format film, of small sections of rock formations taken over a period of 3 years on the coast of South Co. Wexford. I am drawn to the colour, patterns and forms that create Nature’s Abstract Art. Some convey an impression of giant canyons and aerial views of barren landscapes though, in reality, they measure just centimetres in size.

A photographic exhibition by
Kate Aru, Kevin Carrol, Donna Foran and Nicola Reddy
D’Lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
opened from 14 April 2017
Kate Aru – I love photography. Beautiful colours, birds and animals, a thundery sky – all waiting to be captured. It is a pity to be too busy to notice and record our lovely world. Wexford Camera motivates me to hone my skills and to keep trying something new.
Kevin Carrol – All types of photography interest me. I like to capture special moments in time. I have only recently joined Wexford Camera Club and I really enjoy the meetings.
Donna Foran – Last year I joined Wexford Camera Club. The support advice and knowledge I’ve gained has been invaluable in my development as a photographer. Winning a silver medal in a national Camera Club competition soon after I joined was a real boost.
Nicola Reddy – Five years ago during a match, I took my first photos of a game. Once that camera was in my hand I knew I couldn’t put it down. Loving sports all my life, now I get to capture players and their passion.
Defender Shane McNulty (Waterford) Nicky Kirwan (Wexford) Jack Guiney (wexford in background). Pic: Nicola Reddy.

Ann Hyland &Ann McCafferty
D’Lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
23 February – 13 April 2017
Ann Hyland – I joined Wexford Camera Club in 2011 as a beginner. Being in the Club has been a good learning curve, fun and eye-opening, warmly supported by more experienced members who are generous with their time and knowledge. My favourite place to practise is Bannow’s seashore; exploring it with a camera has opened my eyes to the hidden beauty in rocks, pools, sand and seaweed.
Ann McCafferty – Joining Wexford Camera Club a number of years ago has made me aware of what it takes to get a good photo. I am still learning with the help and support of fellow Camera Club Members. The photos on display were taken in July last at the Bray Air Show which was part of the 1916 celebrations. It was a lovely day and the show was spectacular. I hope you enjoy the photos that resulted.

An exhibition by Mike Kelly
D’Lush Cafe
Wexford Arts Centre
16 January – 23 February 2017
Mike Kelly has had a lifelong interest in photography. Retirement and the advent of digital photography rekindled his passion for of getting out with my camera and club friends to explore the great outdoors. Although, Mike has never specialized in any specific genre of photography, he has a strong leaning towards macro and wildlife.
All works on view in the exhibition are available for purchase either mounted or unmounted in A4 and A3 sizes. Mike can be contacted directly on 053 9147008.
Wexford Camera Club meets in the Westgate Heritage Centre, An Tobar, next to Selskar Abbey every second Monday at 8.00pm and welcomes new members at any meeting, at any time in the year. If you are interested, please come along and try us out at whatever your level or type of camera. For more information visit www.wexfordcameraclub.com, find us on Facebook or contact Ann Hyland on 086 066 1319 or Ann McCafferty on 0879519291.