Wexford Arts Centre, a Protected Structure acts as a physical hub for visual and performance arts for the county of Wexford. The centre is the oldest regional arts centre in operation since 1974. This new build extension of approximately 600 Square metres completes Phase 3 of Wexford Arts Centre’s Arts for All plan. The €2.5 million project was supported by Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Wexford County Council and due to be complete by July 2022.
As well as a renovation of the existing building, the works carried out by ODKM Architects included a part two/part three storey extension to the side which includes much needed access for all including lift to upper gallery and theatre space, a whole new accessible entrance and overhanging additional gallery space, workshop space, artist dressing rooms and upgraded facilities and storage space. The spirit of the project was to restore the original fabric, and introduce a legible contemporary form to sit against this historic structure. The old and new now sit side by side, the common thread being that of a simple balanced elegance in facade treatment across both styles. A new, welcoming accessible entrance was created which re-orientates the access to the building to face both the public parkland to the side and also the historic town wall.
Wexford Arts Centre still has €100,000 to raise to complete capital and additional programme and operation requirements in new build. For further information on how to partner and support us on reaching our target fundraising goal please email: elizabeth@wexfordartscentre.ie