Wexford Camera Club
in D’Lush Cafe, Wexford arts Centre
Wexford Camera Club supports and promotes all branches of photography and provides many opportunities for members to develop their work. More information can be found on our website www.wexfordcameraclub.com or email chairman@wexfordcameraclub.com.

Sport & More
A photographic exhibition by
Nicola Reddy
Open from 20th July 2018
at D’lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
Nicola’s interest in photography all started with sport. Given a camera at a sports event and asked to take a few shots she was hooked. Branching out after joining Wexford Camera Club Nicola now enjoys working in landscape, wildlife and her first love sport. Recently successful in being awarded a Licentiateship from the Irish Photographic Federation, the images in her Exhibition Sport and More represent the required ten images presented to gain the distinction. These images demonstrate the necessary skills, techniques and range of subject matter to the Federation’s standards. In a relatively short space of time Nicola has progressed to this level and expanded her subject matter.

Wexford Camera Club meets in the Westgate Heritage Centre, An Tobar, next to Selskar Abbey every second Monday at 8.00pm and welcomes new members at any meeting, at any time in the year. If you are interested, please come along and try us out at whatever your level or type of camera. For more information visit www.wexfordcameraclub.com, find us on Facebook or contact Ann Hyland on 086 066 1319 or Ann McCafferty on 0879519291.