Award Presentation: Thursday 13 February at 8pm
Guest Speaker: Artist Paddy Darigan
All welcome to attend.
Lower & Upper Galleries
Wexford Arts Centre in partnership with the Wexford Lions Club, are delighted to present the twenty fourth annual open submission exhibition. This exhibition which began as a means to foster a sense of community spirit while displaying local artistic talent has since become a long standing tradition, bringing artists and art lovers together from all corners of the county.
As a result of the success of last year’s exhibition and the remarkably high quality work received, the theme for the 2014 was again left entirely open. We have had an overwhelming response, receiving close to 190 artworks which are currently on view in both galleries. Participants submitted work on a wide variety of subjects ranging from land to sea, rural beauty, urban narratives, pure imagination, and total abstraction. Children were encouraged to participate again this year and the upper gallery is dedicated specifically to the work of budding artists or ‘young lions’.

The aim, as always, was to create an exhibition which truly encompasses the diverse nature of art practice, display the array of talent to be found in Wexford and the surrounding areas and provide a platform for artists at various stages of their careers to produce work and see it realised within a formal gallery context. Moreover, the ‘open show’ is just that, open to all, and strives to encourage a sense of support and community. For all these reasons, it is an incredibly important show within the Wexford Arts Centre programme.

Wexford Arts Centre and Wexford Lions Club would like to thank Spectrum Art Supply Shop for their ongoing and generous support of this exhibition.
The exhibition will run in our upper and lower galleries from Saturday 8 February to Sunday 16 March 2014.
Top of page:
Damian Carroll, Soft Day, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Middle of page (from left to right):
Marian Campbell, Chewing the Cud, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Jeanne Ffrench, Bridget, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Sheila Burton, Moorhen, oil on canvas, 2014
Bottom of page (from left to right):
Shonagh McCourt, Lily in the Field, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Ciara Scullion, Tranquil, pen on board, 2014
Jacob Corrigan, Eye of the Tiger, acrylic on Canvas, 2014